Friday, December 3, 2010

Yousaf Salli Exclusive Interview with Fashion Central

Certainly Yousaf Salli is a man of tact, a man with a heart of gold, physically handsome and exquisitely dressed, his straight grey hair neatly done and the visibly adoring looks reflecting the sumptuous originality of his ancient ‘Haveli’ surroundings.
Yousaf’s face lit up when he talked of his new discovery with a divine voice. Indeed Hina Nasrullah’s singing talent is phenomenal with an ample touch of divine benediction. At a very young age the incessant splendor is evident in Hina’s songs and awesome is her singing. Every aspect is melodious with an amazing mastery over pitch and scale.
Lucky for us, the nation and Hina herself, that she was provided a national platform by Yousaf to exhibit her skills. The world of music is going to benefit hugely.

1. What do you think about today’s Pakistani fashion?

It’s entirely on the wrong track. We are only trying to copy Indians and West. There is no originality, no cultural reflection. We think that we are becoming modern, but according to me it’s not modernity, its artificiality.

2. What according to you is the definition of ‘modernity’?

Modernity doesn’t mean adopting a western lifestyle by wearing western clothes. No Pakistani can carry western style, not even the top models because this is not originally our culture, this is not in our blood. Modernity according to me is, respecting each and every religion and its people. What kind of modernity is this where we are filled with racism filth from inside and glamorize our outer selves with international brands? At least I don’t call this ‘modernity’.

3. What do you think about Pakistani fashion Industry?

They are projecting an entirely different picture of Pakistan. There is nothing cultural, nothing typically Pakistani, what kind of Pakistani fashion is this when it’s not even projecting Pakistan. For me the best designer is Bunto Kazmi, Nilofar Shahid, who has always kept themselves connected to the cultural roots.

4. What role Media is playing towards Pakistani culture?

Media, I would say is playing a very important role in destroying our youth. For example, Government put a ban on Indian channels but what happened after that, Pakistani channels started playing Indian dramas. I mean what kind of generation you are building up with these Indian dramas? Totally crap!

5. Do you think Coke Studio is doing a good job in portraying Pakistani culture?

Coke Studio is absolutely brilliant; they are doing a very good job. This is what you call modernism; they are reviving Pakistani culture with modern musical waves.

6. Your Hawali has become the personification of Pakistani culture. What do you think is the future of this Hawali?

This hawali is not only my culture but also a gift of my forefathers and I just hope that my children and grand children take care of it and look after it the way our elders have done.

7. What according to you is a well-dressed man?

For me a well-dressed man is when he walks into a room, nobody notices him; there is nothing flashy and glamorous about him. I hate men who wear diamond watches and flashy studs. This is not manliness.

8. Why did you leave politics?

I left it because my thinking was entirely different from other politicians. Because I think in Pakistani political system, one is not entirely free and cannot do what he wants. I was having a feeling that I can do so much for Pakistan by remaining outside this political system so I left it.

9. Keeping in view current Pakistani political system, are you hopeful or not?

I am very hopeful. This nation only needs a leader. And I am very hopeful. Imran Khan is very good but he still has some raw edges, which need to be polished and he can prove to be extremely good for this country and for this nation.

10. Any message that you want to give to Pakistani youth?

Be original and be proud of what you are.  Make your own identity as a Pakistani, not as a product of hybrid influences.


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